Pelatihan Berbasis Ekonomi UMKM Kue Lumpur di Dusun Gunung Putih


  • Ambarwati STAI Tanbihul Ghofilin Banjarnegara Penulis
  • Cinanthya Yuwono, M.H STAI Tanbihul Ghofilin Banjarnegara Penulis
  • Abik Afada STAI Tanbihul Ghofilin Banjarnegara Penulis

Kata Kunci:

MSME Development, Entrepreneurship Training, Community Economic Empowerment


Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Pandansari Village face challenges such as limited access to training and resources for enhancing product quality and competitiveness. Insufficient skills in business management, marketing, and production techniques are significant obstacles for small business owners. A focused training program was implemented to address these issues, targeting the improvement of business strategies, product quality, market access, and financial management. The training, centered around the practical making of "kue lumpur," involved community participation from women in Dusun Gunung Putih. Conducted through well-coordinated planning, socialization, and execution phases, the program received enthusiastic support and positively impacted the local community. By enhancing entrepreneurship skills and knowledge, this initiative not only bolstered the participants' economic potential but also contributed to local economic development and sustainable job creation.


