Peningkatan Branding pada Produk Usaha Masyarakat di Desa Beji


  • Salsabila Nafisa STAI Tanbihul Ghofilin Banjarnegara Penulis
  • Fatih Atsaris Sujud STAI Tanbihul Ghofilin Banjarnegara Penerjemah

Kata Kunci:

Community service, entrepreneurship, branding, economic development


This community service program, aligned with the Tridharma of higher education, emphasizes the importance of education, service, and research. Conducted by STAI Tanbihul Ghofilin, it targets the community of Desa Beji in Banjarnegara, focusing on enhancing local entrepreneurship through training and brand awareness. The program identifies the agricultural potential of the area while noting the limited marketing reach of local products. Students facilitated a Market Day event to allow elementary students to practice entrepreneurship, highlighting innovative product creation. The community service period, from January 2 to February 20, 2024, included observations, interviews, and socialization efforts aimed at improving branding strategies for local businesses. The implementation involved collaborative work among students, community leaders, and residents, culminating in a comprehensive report that reflects the program's impact and serves as a resource for future initiatives.


